The Spanish language version of this excellent children's outreach tool. God's Words to You is a charming Gospel designed especially for young children. It presents a clear message of salvation using colorful illustrations and Bible passages from the Old and New Testaments. Ideal for parents or children's workers to read with the child so you can explain the relevance of each Scripture passage. The back cover allows the child to print their name and the date as a life-long reminder of their decision to follow Jesus.
This spread highlights the simple approach of this Gospel, using relevant illustrations like those found in children's books, each one accompanied by a verse from Scripture.
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1893年にある十代の少女のビジョンによって始まり、多くのキリスト教宗派から885,964人のメンバーが神さまの御言葉である聖書を「読み、所持し、広める」®ことに賛同し、一対一の出会いを通して1億1千万冊以上のヨハネの福音書を配布しました。ポケットテスタメントリーグは非営利的(501(C )3)団体です。続きを読む
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